0 applied
Community Concerns
In my community...
A lot of people are unemployed.
3525 responses
14.1% Strongly Agree
24.6% Agree
27.7% Neutral
11.2% Disagree
4.3% Strongly Disagree
18% No Answer
Jobs do not pay enough.
3967 responses
26.4% Strongly Agree
28.7% Agree
23% Neutral
9.1% Disagree
5% Strongly Disagree
7.8% No Answer
Families are having trouble making ends meet.
3868 responses
27.1% Strongly Agree
31.7% Agree
23.3% Neutral
6% Disagree
2% Strongly Disagree
10.1% No Answer
Homelessness is a problem.
4111 responses
41% Strongly Agree
20.4% Agree
14% Neutral
11.9% Disagree
8.3% Strongly Disagree
4.4% No Answer
Child abuse and neglect is a significant problem.
3073 responses
15.1% Strongly Agree
20.4% Agree
21.2% Neutral
9.6% Disagree
5.1% Strongly Disagree
28.6% No Answer
Child care is hard to find.
3019 responses
32% Strongly Agree
20.8% Agree
11.2% Neutral
4.1% Disagree
2.2% Strongly Disagree
29.8% No Answer
The youth do not have places to hang out.
3724 responses
30.4% Strongly Agree
25.7% Agree
17.9% Neutral
8.2% Disagree
4.4% Strongly Disagree
13.4% No Answer
We have many residents struggling with substance abuse.
3495 responses
29.7% Strongly Agree
26.4% Agree
18.8% Neutral
4.4% Disagree
1.9% Strongly Disagree
18.7% No Answer
We have many residents struggling with mental illness.
3342 responses
24.6% Strongly Agree
24.1% Agree
20.5% Neutral
6.3% Disagree
2.1% Strongly Disagree
22.3% No Answer
Preferred citation:
The Ford Family Foundation. (2023). Oregon Voices: Interactive Data Explorer. Oregon Voices.